What is Online Marketing? Digital Marketing is the major component of internet marketing which uses internet and web based technologies like mobile phones, desktop computers and various other web and digital media. Digital marketing aims at promoting products and services on the World Wide Web. Various techniques are used for online marketing, which include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) and Social Media. The major benefit of using digital tools for marketing is that the customer has a direct interaction with the business.
There are several ways in which you can reach potential customers through online marketing. First is to use search engine optimization, or SEO, which helps to make your website more visible to potential customers. By increasing its visibility and its ranking in the result pages, you get a better chance of getting traffic. The search engines look at your web pages and decide on your placement in the SERPs based on several factors including competitiveness, relevancy and freshness. By taking advantage of SEO, you can improve the visibility and presence of your product and services and make them easily accessible to potential customers.
Another way to boost your business online is by creating an online marketing strategy through which you can reach a greater audience. For this, you can utilize various traditional marketing channels like advertising on television, radio and print media. However, the cost of advertising in these traditional media is comparatively higher, so it may not be possible to reach a broad audience. However, there are many new channels of advertising, which are available in the form of pay per click channels, where you pay a small fee every time your ad is clicked on.
Pay per click advertising campaigns, when conducted properly, will be able to improve the ranking of a website in the organic search engine result Pages (SERPs). However, the question is, how much impact does it have on the SERPs? What determines the rank of a site? There are two main factors to consider, the quality of the content and the nature of the channels that are being used.
For better quality and relevancy, pay per click (PPC) is considered a more effective channel in comparison to content based online marketing campaigns. In case of PPC campaigns, you pay a specific amount of money when someone clicks on your ad. Therefore, it’s obvious that if your ad has relevant content, you will attract more visitors without any difficulty. While, this may seem to be true, there are many techniques that help you make your landing page more attractive, thus, attracting more paying customers to the site.
Landing pages, as discussed earlier, are important as they help customers to quickly access the information you are offering them. However, this does not mean that your web content does not have any value. In fact, content marketing analytics helps you to monitor visitor behavior and identify what keywords are being used to access your site. This helps you improve your site’s optimization and thus, increases the chances of your site showing in search engine results.
Online marketing campaigns are fast replacing traditional marketing strategies, which in turn, prove to be more effective than ever before. In addition, these campaigns help to reach people from all over the world. Therefore, you will always have at your disposal a large customer base. And with the help of search engine optimization tools, you can easily focus on capturing these customers to your business.